The next distribution to investors of SEB ImmoInvest is expected to take place at the end of January 2022. The fund no longer holds any properties, which is why the liquidity and risk situation has not changed significantly since the last distribution. Many risks, such as tax and warranty risks, usually expire at the end of a calendar year. Therefore, the end of the year must be awaited to see to what extent e.g. tax deadlines become statute-barred and corresponding liquidity reserves can be dissolved. A decision is then made as to whether a regular distribution can take place and the possible distribution amount and time will be published. Against this background, distributions can probably only be made once a year in the future.
Until the Fund is completely dissolved, sufficient liquidity reserves must be retained in order to meet all obligations. The amount paid out during the liquidation period totals EUR 4.95 billion, or around 82.9 % of the fund assets, upon termination of the management mandate in May 2012.