On 28 January 2025, SEB ImmoInvest will distribute EUR 0.25 per unit to investors. This corresponds to a total amount of around EUR 29.1 million. With this 23rd distribution since the announcement of the fund's dissolution, the amount paid out during the liquidation period totals EUR 5.07 billion, which corresponds to around 84.9 percent of the fund assets at the time the management mandate was terminated in May 2012.
As tax and warranty risks expire at the end of 2024, the necessary risk provisioning can be reduced by reversing provisions, freeing up liquidity for distribution to investors.
The respective investor’s custodian will need time to process the pay-out so that the distributed amount will not be credited until a few bank working days after 28 January 2025. The pay-out has a mathematical effect on the unit value of the fund in the value of the distributed amount.
In order to take account of the special situation of funds in liquidation, the legislator had originally introduced a special provision in the Investment Tax Act (see Section 17 InvStG 2018) to exempt asset distributions from tax for a maximum period of five years. For SEB ImmoInvest, the taxable liquidation phase of five years from the transfer to the custodian bank therefore ended on 31 December 2023. At the beginning of December 2024, this law was fortunately amended retroactively and the taxable liquidation phase was extended to 10 years from the transfer to the custodian bank, i.e. for SEB ImmoInvest until 31 December 2028. Please contact your tax advisor directly to clarify any tax issues.
SEB ImmoInvest no longer holds any properties or companies and therefore no longer generates any income. As soon as risks are further reduced and corresponding reserves can be released, further payments to investors are likely.
Subject to the reassessment of the remaining risks, we are currently aiming for the final liquidation of SEB ImmoInvest in 2026. We will provide information on the exact timing and process at www.savillsim-publikumsfonds.de and in the annual wind-up report.