On 31 January 2022, SEB ImmoInvest will distribute EUR 0.50 per unit to investors. This corresponds to a total of around EUR 58.3 million. With the 20th distribution since the announcement of the dissolution of the fund, the amount paid out during the liquidation period totals EUR 5.01 billion, or around 83.8 % of the fund assets, upon termination of the management mandate in May 2012.
As tax and warranty risks expired at the end of 2021, it was possible to reduce the necessary risk provisioning by releasing reserves – thus freeing up liquidity for the distribution to investors. SEB ImmoInvest no longer holds any properties. The fund currently still holds three companies that will remain in existence until all warranty obligations from the respective sales have expired. The property company Glenhardie Partners LP in the USA was liquidated as of 1 June 2021.
The respective investor’s custodian will need time to process the pay-out so that the distributed amount will not be credited until a few bank working days after 31 January 2022. The pay-out has a mathematical effect on the unit value of the fund in the value of the distributed amount.
The custodian bank and Savills Fund Management GmbH will continue to provide information on the ongoing fund liquidation. A liquidation report will be prepared once a year.